Clinical Supervision

In my own career, I have worked with many different supervisors and know what a massive difference it makes to have a strong supervisory relationship

  • Relationship Counsellors
  • Sex Therapists
  • Counselling Practitioners
  • Systemic Therapists
  • Psychotherapists


As an experienced therapist, supervisor and researcher, I completely understand that positive, helpful supervision is critical to supporting the work of counsellors and their clients.

We want to feel safe to talk through our interventions and look at problems from new perspectives. Clients rely on us to work ethically and safely and we, in turn, rely on our supervisors to explore and make sense of our own roles in therapy.  

Managing vulnerable clients or couples in distress can be professionally challenging, especially in Private Practice. As a Practice Helpline Consultant for a UK wide national organisation, I have experience in supporting complex casework and elevated risk.
